Our Resources; Men, Mindset & Materials

The people who were kind to me supported me, given love to me are those who are the strength of this initiative. I am tanking each individual who was there for me at some part of my life. 

  1. My HUMAN CAPITAL; Friends & Family
  2. Office & Clinic Space at Ammadam, Thrissur
  3. Transport support: 1 car & 1 two wheeler
  4. Dedicated numbers for support
  5. 3 independednt sperate internet connections
  6. intel i9 12th gen machine
  7. 100 inch film screening facility
  8. JP ingrown ligtning solutions
  9. Cutting edge opensource software integration
  10. Equipments which are part of our sister initiatives
    1. Imperfect Creatives Productions
    2. Joyful Psych Clinic
    3. Joyful Performance
    4. Joyful Psych Malayalam 
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